Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Remember Me

Watching this film was excruciatingly painful. Not for the lack of beautiful NYC scenes or talented actors. I initially had doubts about Twilight boy's acting chops. But, he held is own against Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. I still don't get why every tweenie loves this kid, but at least he doesn't look half-dead in this film. On paper, this film probably looks heart-tinglingly beautiful. But, it was such a downer. It moved slow and ended in an abrupt thud. The director could have done a better job. It makes sense that he used to direct TV shows like the Sopranos and Sex in the City. Maybe this movie should have been a TV show instead. Rating - Save your money and brain for something worthwhile. This ain't it.


  1. Robert Pattinson... Just from the previews of those Eclipse Full Moon whatever, I have decided that I will never watch any movie that he "acts" in. Didn't think it's possible, but he's actually worse than Keanu Reeves. AND he's uglier.
