Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Ok, full disclosure. I only read 20 pages of the book. So, sue me. I'm better at movie watching than book reading these days. And folks told me the film doesn't do the book justice so why bother reading the book first anyway. I agree with the Eat Pray Love haters (you know who you are!) - the film is painfully slow. But, I'm a Julia Roberts fan, so who cares. She's wonderful in this role. Who wouldn't want to be her in this film, getting to fly all around the world for a year to "find yourself." I could watch scenes from Bali all day long and not get tired of such a beautiful place. I particularly loved whoever scored this film (Sly, Josh Rouse, Eddie Vedder, etc). And, Anthony Bourdain, I mean Javier Bardem - I don't know why I keep mixing those two up, but I do - is the epitome of a ruggadly handsome man. Well casted! Rating - I'd recommend it, maybe as an airline movie...perhaps on your way to Bali.


  1. I found the book to be even more painfully slow. So, I actually liked the movie better than the book!

  2. I only thought that the beginning of the movie (first 20 minutes or so?) to be painfully slow, and perhaps confusing if you hadn't read the book. Otherwise, I loved it!
