Sunday, January 1, 2012


Baseball has never been my cup of tea. But, I've always been a huge fan of baseball movies. This one ranks #3 on my top 5 baseball film list, sandwiched between Field of Dreams, the Natural, Sandlot, and a League of their Own (sorry Major League, you got cut). It's based on the true story of the Oakland A's unbelievable season back in 2002 when the GM (played by Brad Pitt) created a winning team based on mathematical projections. The boy genius who sells him on this crazy idea is played by the young Seth Rogan-lookalike from Superbad. Brad and boy genius played off each other superbly. In the midst of watching the plot unfold, there was a sub-plot going on with Brad's character trying to come to terms with his own past as a former baseball player. What made this film rise to #3 on my list was the scene where Brad and boy genius reversed their the teacher became the student. In that one scene, Brad's character starts to see himself in a new light and moves toward catharsis. Great storytelling here. The only thing that would have made this film better was more screen time by Philip Seymour Hoffman (love that actor). Rating: Brad deserves Best Actor for this one. Watch it for sure.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Ryan Gosling starred in 4 movies over the past year - Blue Valentine, Crazy Stupid Love, Ides of March and this psychological thriller. I adore his work in all 4 films, but he really raised his character-actor street cred in this one. He became the epitome of a soft-spoken psychopath with a heart. The movie itself is told through long, drawn-out scenes which ordinarily would bore and then annoy me. But, the film score is what sets the film apart from any other heist/thriller film I've seen. The new wave electronic music made the slow-paced scenes eerily enjoyable to watch. Bryan Cranston (of Breaking Bad fame - just getting into the first season right now) was amazing, as was Albert Brooks who I've never seen play such a slimy character before. Rating - a throwback to the 1980s heist/thriller films with a kick-ass movie score. Definitely worth an hour and a half of your time. Bootleg it like I did, or queue it up via netflix.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Please Vote for Me

My friend Seven (Ninja Seven, at times) recommended I see this documentary. He called it the best documentary he'd ever seen. I might just have to agree with him. This film was mezmerizing from start to the finish. The incubant class monitor (who's been a monitor since 1st grade - no term limits!) and the two new candidates showed the excitement and pain of running a campaign. The supporting/overbearing parents of all three kids showed a little bit of what life is like for these only children in China. They have a lot of pressure on them to succeed. Who knew 3rd graders voting for a class monitor would be so captivating? Well, if you film it in central China where no one ever talks about democracy, an elementary classroom election campaign becomes extremely interesting. I'm shocked it even got filmed. I read it hasn't been screened in China...yet! PBS screened it and it appeared in a variety of film festivals back in 2007. Thanks to Netflicks, it's entered mainstream America. Rating - Everyone should watch this documentary. Get Netflicks immediately, if you don't already have it, and queue it up!

The King's Speech

Everyone kept telling me I needed to see this film. I found out why. It's heartwarming, hilarious, and well acted. I've been a Colin Firth fan ever since the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice made its VHS way into my heart (side note - the actress who played Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice plays Geoffrey (not Gregory) Rush's wife in this film). I was blown away by Colin's performance as the stammering Duke and reluctant King. The scenes between Colin and Geoffrey who played Lionel, the Australian speech defect instructor, cracked me up (fuck fuck fuck fuck, tits!). And, as always, Helena Bonham Carter made every scene she was in a tad bit funnier. This was the first film I didn't automatically think she was Carla from Fight Club (in every other film, I see her as Carla...kinda like how John Stamos will always be Uncle Jessie to me). I loved how the story unfolded, showing the personal side of the King and all the challenges he faced and overcame thanks to his courage and help from his friend Lionel. Very inspiring. And, shout out to Guy Pearce, the best acting chameleon of his generation. I didn't recognize him for the first 5 min he was on the screen. Rating - A must see. Colin Firth deserves the Best Actor for this one. And, Best Picture would not be out of the question.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop

My friend Emily recommended I see this film. I'm glad she did because I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm a fan of street art and ecentric artists. The star of the film, Thierry Guetta, is not so much an artist as he is an eccentric (somewhat skitso) entrepreneur who creates art to sell an image. He begins filming a handful of legendary street artists and then stumbles into a documentary that gets salvaged by one of the most allusive street artists - Banksy. Banksy directed this documentary and what a fine job he did. I loved how he weaved the story together and still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat. The film was visually and psychologically thrilling to watch. I couldn't believe it when he showed some of his stensil pieces on the seperation wall in the West Bank. I recognized one of them from my time over there going from Jerusalem to Ramallah. I didn't realize that was his work until I saw it again in this film. Amazing! I saw Shephard Fairey's work many times along U street and in a proper exhibit at the ICA in Boston. Who knew he was instrumental in creating this larger than life character of Mr. Brainwash (a.k.a. Thierry Guetta)? Rating - Banksy got the Best Documentary Oscar nomination, so this counter-culture phenomona just might be mainstraim now. Sadness. Nothing great can stay a mystery for long.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blue Valentine

The Oscar nominations were announced yesterday and Ryan Gosling was not included in the Best Actor category. Bollox! Ok, maybe I'm a little biased because I love anything Ryan Gosling does (Half Nelson, the Notebook, Remembering the Titans). Michelle Williams definitely deserved her Best Actress nomination, yet the person who elevated her to a Meryl Streep level was snubbed. Just bullshit! This movie ran the gamut of love - from the sweetest beginnings of new found love to the painful nothingness of falling out of love. Michelle and Ryan played so well off each other that by the end of the fim, their love story broke my heart. Guess Hollywood had too many best actor nominees this go around. Boo to you, Hollywood! Rating - It's an intimate film with great use of the camera (phenomenal in/out focus shots), so see it when it comes out on DVD.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Sophia Coppala's latest film stretches the word mundane to the farthest visual edges of the big screen. But, I believe (err, I hope) that was the point of the film. If so, than bravo to Ms. Coppala. Stephen Dorff played Johnny Marcos perfectly, if he was playing a role at all. I wouldn't be suprised if he was channeling his own pockets of mundane party living in LA. His relationship with his daughter played by Elle Fanning (sister of Dakota) is the only thing that seems to give him purpose in life. The film ends in the most annoying way any film can end - without a conclusion. Where is Jhonny Marcos going in the last scene? I guess the fact that he's going somewhere is the point. For the whole movie, he was figuritvely moving in mundane circles. Maybe that's what LA celeb life can do to you. Ms. Coppala's film had me stepping back and looking at my own life to see where it's going. So for that and for bringing Stephen Dorff out of the has-been actor pool, I thank Ms. Coppala. Rating - DVD this one. Not as good as Lost in Translation, but interesting just the same.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Boondock Saints

I never saw this movie before. It's shocking, I know. Apologies to all my Irish family and friends for my tardiness. William Dafoe is amazing in this film. He always used to spook me with that skeleton face and those menacing eyes. But, his performance in this film made me see him in a different light. That man can act! The brothers are wonderful together, too. They make vigiliantism look like gun-toting fun, which is my only philosophical problem with the film. Artistically, I loved how the story was told and shown. But, I didn't like how killing became OK in the eyes of the cops and public as long as the evil folks were the ones getting killed. The whole thing reminded me of Reservoir Dogs, but with a more comedic bent. My only question is: Where did Sean Patrick Flanery go after making this? Off the face of the earth?? Rating - I probably won't watch it every St. Paddy's day like a good Irish girl, but I'd see it again for sure. And, so should you.

Weeds - Season 2-3

My co-worker friend brought me back a bootleg copy of Season 2 from Islamabad. It only took me one long afternoon to find out what happened to Agent Wonderbread and what it took to build your own growhouse. The season 2 finale made my jaw drop. So, I immediately hopped on NetFlicks (1 month free trial folks!) and watched all of Season 3 to find out how Nancy and the family got through that craziness. I'll wait a bit before I start season 4. Season 2&3 were just so damn captivating. I need time to digest all that drama. Nancy started coming into her own as a drug dealer, thinking on her feet amidst all the thuggery and stepfordiness milling around those ticky tacky little boxes on the hillside. I don't know if Season 4 could be as good. I'll watch and review in the near future. Rating - If you have a morning/afternoon to spare, grab a frappaccino, diet coke, or bottle of wine (cause that's all Nancy drinks) and get on NetFlicks to instant play these seasons.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Breakfast Club

There was a free screening of this classic John Hughes comedy at the Black Cat tonight. First, if it's free, it's for me. Second, I will always jump at the chance to see a John Hughes film on the big screen. I grew up loving his films, particularly this one after repeatedly seeing it on TBS/TNT/USA. Watching it tonight was just as enjoyable as seeing it as a kid. The one-liners and dance moves never get old. Bender (a.k.a. Mr. Beeks from Trading Places) still plays the best asshole on film. Every line Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy utter are priceless and the music is beyond epic. I just love this film to pieces. Rating - watch it anytime, anywhere, preferably on the big screen if you're so lucky.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little Fockers

Not really a Christmas movie. But, still fun to watch with friends when you're home for the holidays. Ben Stiller and Robert DeNiro are hilarious together. Whoever cast the first movie was a genius! I liked this film almost as much as the first one - the second one was just OK. And, I loved all the Chicago scenes in this one- shout out to Lincoln Park! My only complaint would be Jessica Alba's character. She just annoyed me. Rating: You'll find it in everyone's DVD collection 10 years from now. See it on the big screen now anyway.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Ok, full disclosure. I only read 20 pages of the book. So, sue me. I'm better at movie watching than book reading these days. And folks told me the film doesn't do the book justice so why bother reading the book first anyway. I agree with the Eat Pray Love haters (you know who you are!) - the film is painfully slow. But, I'm a Julia Roberts fan, so who cares. She's wonderful in this role. Who wouldn't want to be her in this film, getting to fly all around the world for a year to "find yourself." I could watch scenes from Bali all day long and not get tired of such a beautiful place. I particularly loved whoever scored this film (Sly, Josh Rouse, Eddie Vedder, etc). And, Anthony Bourdain, I mean Javier Bardem - I don't know why I keep mixing those two up, but I do - is the epitome of a ruggadly handsome man. Well casted! Rating - I'd recommend it, maybe as an airline movie...perhaps on your way to Bali.


Let's be clear. The only reason I wanted to see this movie was to watch Denzel Washington and Chris Pine on the big screen. It didn't matter what the plot was about. Seeing these fine gentelmen act was enough for me. But, sadly, I wanted my money back! This movie was just rubbish. There's an unstoppable train. Fine. But, make it interesting, Mr. Tony Scott. Don't have me wishing the train actually rammed through that school bus filled of children so there could finally be drama in a mediocre plot with an anti-climatic ending. I mean, come on Mr. Scott! I expected more from the man who directed Enemy of the State, Spy Game, and Deja Vu. I wasn't thrilled. I wasn't even impressed with Denzel or Chris' performances...sad, but true. Rating - Unstoppably bad. Don't waste your money. Wait til it comes on TV and even then only have it on as background noise while folding your laundry.

Passing Strange

Spike Lee directed a film that used to be a broadway play? What?! I must see this. And, thankfully I did over the Thanksgiving break...sorry for the delayed posting. I love performance art, especially spoken word. It's like going to a concert for me. And, this film felt just like that - a concert. Spike Lee does a great job of capturing raw talent on stage and making it easily digestible through film. The storyline is funny, drama-filled, and told with rhyme and sass. The only downside was me being too sleepy to watch the whole thing through in one sitting. I finished it in two sittings...Thanksgiving wore me out! Rating - rent it from the library and enjoy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

I went into the theater not knowing what this film was about. Concert groupies maybe? It didn't matter to me. Jake Gyllenhaal was starring in it. That was enough for me to say, "yes, point me to the theater." It's an emotional and graphic movie about the struggles of two messed up people who end up being each other's saviors. And, it's hilarious thanks to Jake and Anne's comedic performances. It's a great date movie, but not a first date movie. The amount of relationship talk would scare off any potential someone since you'll want to chat about what you would or wouldn't do for a relationship immediately after the credits roll. That being said, Anne Hathaway's boobs and/or Jake's cute ass appear every 10 min, so the eye candy for both genders is in full effect. Rating: I'd recommend seeing it with either your best friends or your bf/gf/hubby/wifey.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


A friend recommended I watch this film after reading my comment about Jackie Brown in a previous posting. I started watching it last night and I realized I'd seen it before, but couldn't remember where - probably on TV sometime ago. Some of the scenes are hard to watch. They're just so raw and frankly depressing. I found it very interesting that the same director made Remembering the Titans - a very uplifting movie in comparison. It's nice to see a director explore the far ends of the emotional spectrum. Shout out to the child actor who played the lead role, the Dominican nurse from Scrubs, the guy who played the Senator in Last Holiday with Queen Latifah, and Mr. Jackson who plays the same role in every movie and yet nails it everytime. Rating - rent it, stream it, or try your luck and wait for it to come on TV one Saturday afternoon. Either way, watch it and enjoy.

Robin Hood

I'm a connoisseur of Robin Hood films. I remember seeing the Disney version as a little kid and loving the hell out of it. "Robin Hood and Little John running through the forest, oodalolly oodalolly golly what a day." You know you love it, too! Prince of Thieves came into my life next followed by Men in Tights. Then I sunk into the classics and caught the Errol Flynn and Sean Connery versions on TV. All of them have their good points, including this version with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett. Ridley Scott's grittiness is all over this film. It's not as romantic as the others, but that wasn't Mr. Scott's focus. He wanted to re-create the magic he found making Gladiator. He didn't quite replicate the magic, but it was still a visually entertaining film to watch. Rating - Probably better to see on a plane. Second option would be redbox. TV is a distant third.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Point Break

I found this classic flipping through the channels tonight. Patrick Swayze was much cuter as a surfer than he ever was as a Dirty Dancing teacher. That long hair has something to do with it. The plot isn't hard to follow. In fact, you may be very familiar with it since the screenwriters of the Fast and the Furious franchise seemed to copy it - replacing surfing with drag racing. The same undercover surfer boy-type character infiltrates a group of thieves, befriends the leader, and gets the girl. Shout out to Dr. Cox from Scrubs who plays Keanu's boss and Anthony Kiedis who plays one of the local surfers who doesn't take kindly to Keanu's valley boy ways. Special mention goes to Tom Sizemore who (ironically) plays an undercover DEA agent. Question: why does Keanu always run in every movie and why does he run like a complete dork? Rating - watch it on TV whenever you get a chance. It doesn't disappoint.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Remember Me

Watching this film was excruciatingly painful. Not for the lack of beautiful NYC scenes or talented actors. I initially had doubts about Twilight boy's acting chops. But, he held is own against Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. I still don't get why every tweenie loves this kid, but at least he doesn't look half-dead in this film. On paper, this film probably looks heart-tinglingly beautiful. But, it was such a downer. It moved slow and ended in an abrupt thud. The director could have done a better job. It makes sense that he used to direct TV shows like the Sopranos and Sex in the City. Maybe this movie should have been a TV show instead. Rating - Save your money and brain for something worthwhile. This ain't it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 30 - Just Wright

I'm not going to lie. I've been waiting for this film to appear in Redbox for the last couple weeks. In case you don't know, I'm a big Common fan. If you own Resurrection, than you know he's a poet with a socially conscious heart. I'm a sucker for those kind of dudes. And, have you seen Common's body lately? I mean, damn! To be honest, though, his acting skills are less than amazing. Claire Huxtable (a.k.a Phylicia Rashad) made his job easier since she can act with anyone and make the scene look interesting. Queen Latifah was pretty good as the physical therapist girl-next-door turned B-ball wife. She played the same sort of character in Brown Sugar, except she was the lead in this one. The gold digging best friend played by the Deja Vu girl who's married to Mr. Seaver's real-life son, whose name I can't remember right now, was extremely annoying and thankfully stepped aside so Queen Cinderella could have her anything but Common Prince. That kinda sounds incestuous, but you know what I mean. Rating - Redbox worthy. And, where is Quintin Tarantino? Somebody better tell him Pam Grier is back making movies. I want to see him write a character for her that's as good as Jackie Brown.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 29 - The Karate Kid

I'm a big fan of the original Karate Kid with Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi. I was ready to hate this remake. But, I loved it! Little Jaden Smith can act. If you saw the Pursuit of Happiness, you know the boy can act. He's definitely Will Smith's kid - he even walks like him! So, it may be my ignorance, but I don't recall another movie that has shown as much kid-on-kid violence as this movie. Even Daniel-san's beat down was only maybe 20 seconds, at best. I mean, if I was Jada Pinkett Smith, I would not come to the set for those beat down scenes. I know it's Hollywood and all the punches/kicks are fake. But, it hurts to watch just the same. Jackie Chan is so freakin strong and quick. I think he's 50 something too. Freak of nature! Rating - Instead of a Jersey boy moving to Cali, it's a Detroit boy moving to China. The remake is not better than the original, but it's definitely entertaining thanks to Little Smith.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 28 - Iron Man II

I wasn't so jazzed about this film. I gave it an honest effort. Watching every banter-filled line between Robert Downey, Jr. and Mrs. Chris Martin. But, the film still bored me. Don Cheadle played an OK side-kick...apparently, Terrance Howard had that role in the first one and kicked ass. What's up with the Howard-Cheadle switcharoo?? Haven't seen the first one nor do I have any desire to see it. Redeeming qualities: Mickey Rourke is pretty bad ass with his Russian accent and the film's soundtrack rocks! Rating - A must see for anyone who plays the movie-actor connector game. Otherwise, press on!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 27 - The Town

Ben Affleck made a phenomenal heist film, even better than Gone Baby Gone. He acted well, too. Jeremy Renner and Blake Lively gave especially impressive performances. And, even more impressive were the panoramic views of Boston and the chase scenes through the city's crazy narrow and windy streets. Being a die-hard Red Sox fan, of course Ben had to use Fenway Park for the final heist scene. He gets extra points for choosing Ray LaMontagne's Jolene to play over the closing credits...LOVE that song. Rating - Get yourself to the theater and enjoy the ride.

Day 26 - Unthinkable

Unthinkable is not that unthinkable. It's all about military interrogations during a nuclear bomb threat on US soil. It felt like I was watching 24 with special guest stars, Samuel Jackson and the Matrix lady. The only good part of this movie was the performance by the terrorist. Rating - Don't think about wasting your $1 on this redbox dud.

Day 25 - Ping Pong Playa

I wouldn't put this sports movie on the same level as Rudy or Rocky, although it does have the same elements - underdog works hard, believes in himself, and wins the big game. But, this film is also ridiculously funny with its minority jokes and one-liners. And, when's the last time you saw a ping pong comedy? Rating - Netflicks this gem. Or, I can lend you my copy to watch and enjoy.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 24 - Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme

I love hip-hop. I love MCs who can weave words together effortlessly and spontaneously. A few of the best Freestyle MCs of all time are in this film, including Supernatural, Juice, Mos Def, Black Thought, Biggie Smalls, etc. This was my first introduction to Supernational and Juice. They both have a gift of spitting mind-blowing rhymes without any preparation - the epitome of a great Freestyle MC. The documentary showcases their rhyming prowess and takes the audience through a freestyle 101 lesson from the origin of rhyming to the underground cyphers of the 1990s. The film does a good job of conveying the energy and creativity that exudes from any cypher or MC battle. Makes me miss the music of the 1990s, too. Rating - Get on Hulu and watch, if you love hip-hop.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 23 - Easy A

Emma Stone is what we all hoped Lindsey Lohan would turn into after Parent Trap. Too bad LiLo picked her drug of choice instead of acting. I give Ms. Stone one year to either sink or swim as hollywood's "it" girl for satirical comedies about HS. The film was a solid B+ with plenty of funny moments. The grown ups - Stanley Tucci, Patricia Clarkson, Thomas Haden Church, and Lisa Kudrow - tried to be extra funny a little too often. Hence, the B grade. Ms. Stone's spot on performance as a sharp-tongued Molly Ringwald of today brought the film up to a B+. But, it wasn't as hilarious as Mean Girls, a strikingly similar satirical comedy about HS, which I would give an easy A...oh the puns! Rating - Redbox it. It's not quite worth the theater money.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 22 - The Book of Eli

I fell asleep the first time I watched this film. My apologies, Denzel. It's a slow moving plot with bleak coloring throughout. Hence, sleepy time. For my second viewing, I decided to start the film half way through and that was a brilliant idea since the movie starts to pick up about then. I won't give away the ending because you'll curse me if you haven't seen it yet. The surprise appearances of Ms. Flashdance herself, Jennifer Beals, and Tom Waits (who was also in the Outsiders - thank you IMDB) upped my actor-movie connector game knowledge once again. All thanks go to the Hughes Brothers for making this film and Denzel for producing it. 2 points to anyone who knows what other movie starred both Denzel and Flashdance IMDB cheating! Rating - If you like movies that feel like video games or if you like Denzel (and who doesn't), take a couple of hours to watch.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 21 - Amores Perros (Love's a Bitch)

3 long vignettes that come together on a gritty street corner in Mexico City. It's a long movie, but well shot and told. Gael Garcia Barnel showed his raw acting prowess which he neglected to display for the entire production of Letters to Juliet (see review below). The 3 stories all had a similar theme - love of dogs. Each story could have been a short film, but weaving them together made them more interesting to follow. The director, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, went on to film another multi-story film that deals with tragedy and happenstance called Babel. Rating - If you're squeamish about dog fights, you may want to sit this one out. Otherwise, grab some chips and salsa, and enjoy.

Day 20 - The Kids Are All Right

Best ensemble I've seen in the last month. The girl from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and the boy from Little Manhattan gave great performances. I would have never paired Annette Bening and Julianne Moore together as lesbian parents, but they played their parts well. The hunky Mark Ruffalo, the sperm donor father, showed how a good guy can become a jackass...kind of like his character in We Don't Live Here Anymore, but with more jackass tendencies. Rating - funny ensemble piece that you could watch on DVD, but try seeing it in a theater near you.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 19 - Harry Brown

Michael Caine can do no wrong...this fact was solidified in my brain when I saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels as a little kid. Further evidence - Michael Caine turns into a badass who takes on the local gang to avenge his best friend's death in this mesmerizing UK film called Harry Brown. There isn't another movie I can compare this too. It's gory and clean at the same time thanks to the direction of Daniel Barber who normally shoots commercial ads. Quite impressive shot selections and I wouldn't be surprised if the actors who played the gang members were actually gang members. As always, Michael Caine is brilliant. Rating - Pick it up at your nearest redbox and get ready for a spine tingling ride.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 18 - Letters to Juliet

I redboxed this chick flick after seeing countless trailers in the very beginning of my movie-a-day journey. I recognized the lead actress from Mean Girls and the first season of Veronica Mars, so thought it should be good. Alas, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It was tolerable. There was something missing...either the script was flat or the actors weren't bringing the script to life. Gael Garcia Bernal was the most annoying character on the screen. I felt like I was watching Balki from Perfect Strangers. Luckily, the film is set in Italy and Vanessa Redgrave gives the film much needed class - two important aspects of the movie that kept me from turning it off. Rating - Mid-week chick flick that is better viewed on an airline.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 17 - Grace is Gone

Popped this bootleg DVD in to see one of my top 5 actors - John Cusack. I almost didn't recognize him in the first scene because of his heavy-footed walk and dorky looking glasses. He gives a great performance nonetheless. So, this film is not what you would call upbeat. It's a story about a father trying to deal with life shattering news that his wife died while on active-duty in Iraq and then trying to figure out how to tell his two young daughters. I identified a lot with the two girls. Being 8 or 12 years old, and having your mom on the other side of the world in a war you don't fully understand is a lot to deal with. These two young ladies did a fantastic job conveying what that feels like. Rating - Subtle and not sappy. Watch it with a tissue handy toward the end.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 16 - Bottle Rocket

A fun, quirky little comedy. I love Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson, especially when they write scripts (Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums) because I get to see their crazy genius brains at work. This was their first collaboration and Wes Anderson's directorial debut. The story is incredibly ridiculous and hilarious. Luke, Owen, and the always known but never seen older Wilson Brother, Andrew, are fun to watch. Not just because they're gorgeous (cause they are), but they have this ease about them, like they're not acting at all. I wonder if they have a 75 year life plan, too. Rating - If you're like me, and didn't know about this film when it came out 15 years ago, get on hulu and watch it now.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 15 - Love in the Time of Cholera

A great love story for the romantic in us all. Javier Bardem transformed himself into a very believable old man who spends over 50 years loving 1 woman and sleeping with nearly 1,000 others to ease the pain of not being with her. Like all great love stories, the two finally end up together on a Colombian riverboat. The shots of the Colombian countryside make me want to take a trip down there and brave the drug cartels and/or inevitable kidnapping attempts. If I had the time, I'd read the book, too. Rating - Let your ears and eyes drown in Javier Bardem's handsomeness.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 14 - Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

I'm proud to say I own this movie. Don't judge. It's hilarious, just like the first one and all the ones to come. I must be honest, though. I kept falling asleep throughout the movie, but only because my body needed to sleep...the same thing happened to me when I was watching Borat for the first time. Again, don't judge. So, I'm very eager to watch this film a second time cause it's repeat worthy. And, I've promised myself to watch it when I'm wide awake. Rating - Funnier than the first one and I didn't think that was possible.

Day 13 - Green Zone

I'm a huge fan of the Bourne movies so I thought I'd like this movie by association - same director and lead actor. Nope, I was wrong. Matt Damon plays an Army Chief in Baghdad carrying out orders to find WMD. Amidst the Delta Force-like bang-bang-shoot-em-up scenes, Matt's character comes to realize the intelligence is crap and how the US gov't is fully of aware of the crappiness yet they continue to base the whole war in Iraq on the need to find these WMD. So, like the good guy he is, Matt's character leaks the truth to the media and goes about his business as a soldier in Iraq. True to life and all that soap-boxy liberal good stuff. But, not that original or interesting to watch. Sad, but true. Rating - If you want to have some noise on in the background while you're on the phone, turn this movie on.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 12 - Date Night

I adore these two comedians. Together, they make a fantastic improv duo...wish I could see them perform together on stage. So, I had zero expectations going into this movie and maybe that's why I found it so amusing. I didn't know Common or the McPoyle guy from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" (2nd reference in 2 days!) had bit parts. Nor did I know Ray Liotta or Mark Ruffalo would make an appearance. I love it when character actors and Hip Hop MCs play all these bit parts...makes the movie more enjoyable and deepens my actor-movie connector game knowledge base - that Kevin Bacon game is mere child's play. Rating - Queue it up in your netflicks or grab it from redbox and pair it with risotto and a good red wine.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 11 - Going the Distance

I'd like to thank the lady who was taking her sweet ass time at the ticket counter tonight trying to figure out which movie she and her male counterpart were going to see. Had she not lallygagged for nearly 5 min (she didn't even buy a ticket - WTF!), my friend and I would have probably caught the earlier showing of Eat, Pray, Love and not waited 15 min to see this refreshingly realistic portrayal of a long-distance relationship. I loved both Drew and Justin's performances. Kudos to the director for picking Charlie from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" to play Justin's best friend. And, shout out to the movie's featured band -The Boxer Rebellion. Rating - Picture your favorite hole-in-the-wall bar, add some hipster music, sprinkle some NYC and San Fran flavor and you've got this better than average chick flick. Theater worthy.

Day 10 - Real Genius

It's been about 15 years since I last saw this film. And, I still think it's Val Kilmer's best performance aside from his memorable work in Top Gun (mmm Ice!). The more I watched Val Kilmer nail every comedic line and act like a lovable fool, I couldn't help but think about Van Wilder and if Ryan Reynolds subconsciously channeled Val's comedic genius while making that movie. Also, that girl who can't stop talking because her brain can't turn off reminded me of Vanessa's best friend who can't stop talking on the Cosby Show. Rating - Any time this 80s classic comes on TV, you should stop time and watch.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 9 - Meet the Browns

This is my first Tyler Perry movie. I heard his movies were really funny. But, maybe not this one. It's a movie that should have remained a play. Angela Bassett must have got a lot of money to carry this to the theaters (if it didn't go straight to DVD). The best scene is in the very beginning when the mother from Modern Family (hilarious show) argues with the CTA bus driver. The lady cracks me up. Rating - If you see it coming on TBS right before the TV version, you should probably wait to watch the TV version.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 8 - Monsieur Ibrahim (Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran)

Everything about this film is beautiful. It's been sitting on my shelf for years, just waiting for me to watch it. Shameful to say, but true. Really glad I popped it in my DVD player today. The cinematography is unbelievable. A dazzling display of Parisian streetlife and the Turkish countryside. The director did a great job of telling this coming of age story without letting it get too cliche-y. It's 2hrs filled of life lessons about religion, sex, and family which leaves you feeling like you are much wiser than 2hrs earlier. Shaping the film with kick-ass 60s and 70s music definitely enhanced the beauty of the scenes. I especially like the last song by Timmy Thomas, "Why Can't We Live Together," over the closing credits. Rating - Do yourself a huge favor and watch this film.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 7 - Brooklyn's Finest

Redbox has the finest selections. Punny funny ;). So, this film hooked me from the very beginning. The acting and the shot selections are on point. The director, Antoine Fuqua, brought the rawness of Training Day and tied it with the beauty of Brooklyn's riverscapes and subway architecture. Ethan Hawke steals every scene he's in cause you never know who he's going to shoot next. And, it's good to see Wesley Snipes working again. Well done Mr. Fuqua. Rating - good middle of the week film. Pair it with a beer and some chips n salsa.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 6 - The Last Song

Cheezy and emotional. It's like any other Nicholas Sparks book that's been adapted for the big screen. This one has some redeeming qualities, though. Namely, Greg Kinnear and that cute Aussie Liam Hemsworth who's dating Ms. Miley (IMDB is very handy). And, young Liam just so happens to be born in 1990...19 freakin 90! Great. Thanks Hollywood for making me feel old for thinking a 20-year-old is a hottie. Rating - Girl any other Nicholas Sparks book-to-movie film. Watch with some tissues.

Day 5 - Repo Men

Redbox - you win some, you loose some. I thought having two great actors - Forest Whitaker and Jude Law - would make a great movie. Instead, it was a mediocre movie that I wouldn't recommend to anyone who's squeamish about blood...cause there's a lot! The storyline was interesting to think about - selling people metal organs that can keep them alive when they're real life organs fail. Too bad human selfishness and greed gets in the way of that brilliant idea. The movie's soundtrack is bad ass! Nina Simone, Beck, RZA, Method Man, Rosemary Clooney, and Toots & the Maytals. Rating - There's probably a video game version and it's probably better than the film.

Day 4 - Animal Kingdom

The trailer sparked my interest - grungy gangsters and 1980s cops playing a cat n mouse game with Air Supply's "All Out of Love" in the background. The film was disturbing, but in a damn-these-people-are-deranged kind of way. And, it was beautifully shot. I won't give away anymore cause it's a movie folks should sink into themselves. Rating - Haven't seen as good a gangster/cop film since Michael Mann's Heat.

Day 3 - Bend it Like Beckham

This movie will never get old for me. Soccer, Irish Dude, funny Indian ladies, and cultural misunderstandings. So good! Rating - Watch it anytime, anywhere.

Day 2 - Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Hulu is a freeloader's crack. And, we all know I love to freeload. So, I was breezing through hulu and found this peculiar little film. It was hard to get into at first...I may have been doing laundry for half of it...but I can tell you I didn't miss much. What really bothered me was trying to figure out if the lead actress was the same girl from that episode of House at the end of Season 6 who has a brain injury and can't figure out who she is until House, in his usual brilliance, figures it out. I refused to use IMDB because that would be cheating...but, then I cheated and checked IMDB only to find out she was that girl from Ally McBeal. dammit! Rating - Whoever made the poster rocks. John Krasinki should make another film cause I know he can director a better film.

Day 1 - She's the Man

I was flipping through the channels on TV and came across Channing Tatum's beautiful abs, so of course I had to watch. The plot is worse than even your lowest expectations, but what could top Ladybugs...nada!. Who knew Channing Tatum's abs would start my Movie A Day journey...Rating - If I was hungover on the couch and the remote was too far to reach, I'd watch.