Sunday, November 7, 2010

Point Break

I found this classic flipping through the channels tonight. Patrick Swayze was much cuter as a surfer than he ever was as a Dirty Dancing teacher. That long hair has something to do with it. The plot isn't hard to follow. In fact, you may be very familiar with it since the screenwriters of the Fast and the Furious franchise seemed to copy it - replacing surfing with drag racing. The same undercover surfer boy-type character infiltrates a group of thieves, befriends the leader, and gets the girl. Shout out to Dr. Cox from Scrubs who plays Keanu's boss and Anthony Kiedis who plays one of the local surfers who doesn't take kindly to Keanu's valley boy ways. Special mention goes to Tom Sizemore who (ironically) plays an undercover DEA agent. Question: why does Keanu always run in every movie and why does he run like a complete dork? Rating - watch it on TV whenever you get a chance. It doesn't disappoint.

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