My friend Seven (Ninja Seven, at times) recommended I see this documentary. He called it the best documentary he'd ever seen. I might just have to agree with him. This film was mezmerizing from start to the finish. The incubant class monitor (who's been a monitor since 1st grade - no term limits!) and the two new candidates showed the excitement and pain of running a campaign. The supporting/overbearing parents of all three kids showed a little bit of what life is like for these only children in China. They have a lot of pressure on them to succeed. Who knew 3rd graders voting for a class monitor would be so captivating? Well, if you film it in central China where no one ever talks about democracy, an elementary classroom election campaign becomes extremely interesting. I'm shocked it even got filmed. I read it hasn't been screened in China...yet! PBS screened it and it appeared in a variety of film festivals back in 2007. Thanks to Netflicks, it's entered mainstream America. Rating - Everyone should watch this documentary. Get Netflicks immediately, if you don't already have it, and queue it up!
Finally I get a shout out! This was the best documentary I've seen in 2010. Exit Through The Gift Shop gets the second spot. Best documentary ever? I don't know!